You've stumbled over the About page! Probably an accident, but none the less. Welcome to my library of ramblings about the internet and selected parts of the non-internet. My my, this ol' site has been ticking over for a good many years now, so I'm glad you could come in and have a look.
I like making things with code, and occasionally electronic noises that sometimes resemble music. Feel free to send me some mail at Otherwise, get clicky on the site and see if you can find something that takes your fancy:
- Fire/Escape
- Your Last Ever Computer
- Basic-er BASIC
- NBA Jam, um, tank-mode?
- Why WebGL colors don’t look like Blender colors
- Note to self: Math.hypot() still exists
- USB Mini Shawarma
- And… goodbye JavaScript!
- Monads for Babies
- A most useful function
- Olive vs OliveDrab
- Graybeard
- It Just Works ™
- JavaScript’s Numeric Separators
- document.designMode?
- Blog-o-thon ahoy!
- Mr Speaker lives!
- Word-processing Code
- Some musoems that I made
- WebGL2 Voxels
- Deleted my twi**er account
- De-bloating my piece of the web
- Where the ECMA 262 1st Edition did they come from?
- Farm to Table: A postmortem
- Oops, forgot about you
- These are my Emacs days
- Me n’ Carl Sagan hand-rolling some WebGL2
- Popcorn kernel bread ™
- ES6 (ES2017+) module support
- Building geometry with fraggles
- Lil’ cube-y thing
- Horizontal Rulez! for your terminal
- The elusive Pinterest App Link handler
- CyberVision Lite
- Code-golfing the BASICs
- British Pathé random video viewer
- Functions as RxJS Subjects
- Five short years
- Explostyx: explody 3D french fries
- Wanna do new JavaScript + React?
- Alien vs Joy Division
- Announcing JS.scala v0.1
- Oculus Rift Reddit Internet Explorer
- “let” is the new “with”. But good.
- Mac service: open iTerm at selection path
- (Nearly) Getting Started with ClojureScript
- CHIMP-8: a lil’ CHIP-8 VM
- Nodevember Conf talk: Gonzo Game Dev
- Your first Ludum Dare
- Hyperactivate: mo’ 2005 sounds
- Selling Swift: what a fool believes
- Metal Meter Madness
- Write the theme tune, sing the theme tune
- The simple genius of Flappy Bird
- Mister Moonboots: on the App Store!
- Flappy Bird Typing Tutor
- Conquering Flappy Bird
- Bitcoin market visualizer thing
- Spam, my friend.
- One-line array wrap
- My new bitcoin-enabled business card
- New games ahoy!
- Pixelmator save, Project reload.
- DIGIBOTS & CO.: a game in a month.
- Into the third dimension
- Pix Up, Look Sharp: a pixel resizer for Pixelmator
- More is Zmore
- ZMORE: a game in 48 hours
- DHTML Lemmings: an awesome hack
- Short function syntax is here!
- #Random Hex colour
- Three.js: looking away from .lookAt
- Scala date range
- Live editing for game development
- Track: Fuck me dead
- ‘mazed
- A better phonetic alphabet
- What you’re missing out on on App.Net
- CoffeeScript: tell me how you feel about it
- Nicer random colours, with HSL
- #rimshot: zingers from tweetland
- Caine’s Arcade Fun Pass Generator
- Syntax highlighting for writers
- Typesafe Console: behind the scenes
- Weird EventSource problems? Watch your content-length!
- You can skip this ad in 0:02
- Colourising sprites in Canvas – part 2
- Translating marketing garbage
- Navigate the web with your gamepad
- Colourising sprites in Canvas – part 1
- What I learned from watching people watching Notch
- A Minecraft soundtrack for your daily grind
- My grandmother was immutable
- CoffeeScript & Less with Play! 2.0
- AI Class Playlists
- Java on film: the livestream videos
- Code like that
- What happened to Window Mobile Apps?
- Making Google+ like Twitter
- The C64 DemoScene
- How do you parse input?
- Mr Speakers
- Internet Explorer pizza. With extra obsolescence.
- _this = this
- HOWAMI: a command line tool
- Semantic game making
- “Products”
- They are coming…
- JavaScript has a lisp
- Conventional Interfaces: map/reduce and friends
- Mr Speaker as a test case
- Reducing map: jQuery vs jQuery vs JavaScript
- My very own botnet
- HackemUp: A HackerNews bookmarklet
- Better Ads!
- DOMTimeStamp fun
- Canvas and Inputs aren’t friends
- iOS 4.3 Geolocation in web apps
- UX with EXIF FTW!
- “Elastic social graph”
- Swipe to delete
- Long jQuery fades eats CPU
- Tumblr proves emacs superior
- Choose your own cache.manifest
- Google says Bing is tracking you
- IE6 Final Countdown
- Accelerometer in Javascript
- Syntactic artificial sweetener
- oadingL: The Magnificent Marquee Throbber
- Anonymous functions for inline event handlers
- On the importance of marketing
- Beginning Mac Hacking
- Dear Network Diary…
- Password expiration
- Terrainer: terrain generator
- lowersrc: dynamic images for wireframing
- WadBug – mobile web developer toolbar
- Intresting things
- URL shrtng
- SEARCHING FOR $ – a C64 Ajax loader
- iOS4 touchend to end all touchends
- humans.txt
- Wireframing on a budget
- Argy-Bargy
- Two teams, one cup
- Google will help
- Instant: coffeescript on the go
- Amazing tech news just announced
- Book review: “jQuery: Novice to Ninja”
- jQuery meeting – the man behind the dollar sign
- DIY Old-school racing game: Part 1
- iPadmé. Geddit?
- Sine Scrollbars
- jQuery 1.4 iPhone reference app
- .index() becomes cool in jQuery 1.4
- Parcycle: A Particle System with HTML5 canvas
- JavaScript iPhone Games: Part II
- PPK vs Degrassi Junior High
- Nifty jQuery trick: setting attributes
- The road to jQuery 1.4: at a glance
- Adding “1UP notification” with jQuery
- Selecting JavaScript objects with jQuery
- Critical jQuery Info: How to pronounce “live”
- Decision making
- Closures with self-invoking functions
- Using jQuery on JavaScript objects (Part 1)
- Esrever ni sdrocer gniyalp
- Soldier Soldier
- Game of Life
- Smoking Canvas
- Springs with Canvas
- 3D with HTML5 Canvas: Part 2
- Convert WordPress fetch_rss to fetch_feed
- JavaScript games for iPhone
- 3D with HTML5 Canvas: Part 1
- 3D with HTML5 Canvas: Part 0
- Do you remember when rock was young?
- Blobby physics thing
- Faking email delivery in .NET
- More javascript madness
- Why you’ll care about Google Wave
- Heads or Tails or “Other”
- Don’t Get It “Video”
- Javascript game: Deamons Of Space
- JavaScript game: Corporate BFFs
- Arduino step sequencer
- Plops!
- Revisions in WordPress 2.7
- Pinball on YouTube
- Wolfram Alpha and jQuery Easing
- 301-ing! Come join the house-warming!
- 10 Hidden & Advanced Features of Turntubelist
- Niche Marketing: The Bacon and Egg Roll Project
- Turntubelist: Web master cuts faster!
- Revenge of the Font Nerds
- Making insecure passwords secure
- Best tech release of 2008
- O! Computadors!
- Wave rooting in Newcastle
- Wave rooting, Part II: Morning of terror
- Wave rooting, Part III: WävRüta
- Web 3.1, for workgroups
- Mask On, Mask Off
- Animated PNGs for everyone!
- Mr Speaker’s Law of Averageness
- <b><u>HTML Skillz</u></b>
- 7 days without google makes one weak
- Oi, Sharkie…
- Let’s get ‘pataphysical
- The Secret Life of The Secret Life Of
- Little animated-gif indicator AJAX thingos
- WallBot: The Post-Modern Prometheus
- APEC Sound System
- Vertical Selecting
- Circuit Bending
- We Are For The Big
- Google Gears: The Mega Cookie
- Helpful Error Messages
- In defence of Twitter
- Consumer Good God
- Track: Happy (Hardcore)
- Marinated Not-Chicken Wings
- Web automation with Chickenfoot
- Introduction To Web Sequins
- Who is Mr Speaker?
- Loves Safari
- Views vs Comments: 100 to 1
- Flickr/Last.Fm Mashup with Yahoo! Pipes
- Introduction to Yahoo Pipes
- Step-By-Step Onigiri Tutorial
- Japan: Footy, Tag Clouds and 2D Barcodes
- My Life – In Computer Years
- When is a dead pixel not a dead pixel?
- Javascript Hexadecimal Helpers
- Formalised System For Beer Re-distribution
- Line Rider File Format
- Death of Australian Media
- Visual Studio Tab Un-stupidifier Macro
- Read-Only Live Clipboard
- Iran takes news of Irwin’s death badly
- The End of XBM as we know it
- Talking Boony Lives!
- Technical Difficulties and Brain Surgery
- Boon From Beyond The Grave
- Client-Side Image Replacement
- A Boon To Mankind
- Reverse Boonjaneering
- The fantastical DHTML angle-scroller!
- Talking Boony
- Hacking Windows Pinball
- Happy 51th Post!
- A Still Tongue Makes A Good Citizen
- Tacky DHTML web tricks #1
- Hello? Anybody? – A WordPress plugin
- Where the HTML4.0 did they come from?
- Shocking news – oil prices up!
- Recipes for the handy-man.
- Jolly Good Cricket: Methods of Dismissal
- Compiling interop dlls for SMTP sinks
- Kentucky Fried Chicken Feet
- Oil Watch – revisited
- Life imitates meat – “Bake”
- Air CSS Battle – a DHTML odyssey
- Greasemonkeying around
- Greasemonkey and WordPress
- Calculator Chicken
- Thought Thieves
- Beer o’clock. Beer o’clock.
- Binary on your digits
- Better living through Mr.T
- Getting a reference to cdoex.dll
- Graphic Design – by the book
- Terrorism: Are we paranoid enough?
- Improving the user experience with the XmlHttpRequest
- The Fonz uses XmlHttpRequest and AJAX to spy on you.
- The Offices
- Bill Gates and John Howard look for Venture Capital
- Goodbye grey skies, hello blue.
- DHTML oldschool raster effect
- XBM graphics format? What the bloomin’ heck?
- Hackin’ around with WordPress
- Book review – Russel ist krank
- Tracks: Fakin ‘n’ Jumping & Eye of the booty.
- Spam’s community service
- Oil Watch
- The end is nigh, and most likely boring.
- The Shogun, and the video game
- Playing with food
- What’s that VBScript Object?
- Fetching things with File Fisher
- The Old Lady and the handdrier machine
- Track: The Young And The Wrestlers
- Javascript. The demon of space.
- Track: Non-breaking space
- Be the moderator you want to be.
- Track: Nightsoil
- What’s that port?
- I am your Automatic Teller. Automatic Teller.
- Life imitates meat – Squid Chews
- Track: Chocobarrie
- Ferries change their tune