Mr Speaker

Metal Meter Madness

Ludum Dare 29 delivered us the theme "Beneath the Surface", and I, in turn, delivered my first Ludum Dare novelty offering: Metal Meter Madness. It was my attempt at an 80s 8bit english-humour style farce in the style of Jet-Set Willy or Hover Bovver. However, due to hang-over-ness and appartment hunting, the wackiness meter never made it into the same ball park. Still, it was kind of a game, with kind of a point, with kind of sound fx and kind of some music. And that's all you really want from a Ludum Dare.

This was the first experiment with time-lapse-ing the affair. Every 5 seconds a screenshot was added to a folder - resulting in around 7000 images over the two days, putting my total development time at 35000 seconds (or, around 10 hours if you prefer). Here it is in all its glory:

Timelapse thumbnail

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