Mr Speaker

Category: Wide world

There’s more going on than just computers and noise. I’ve been told.

Why you’ll care about Google Wave

I went in with low expectations (which may have influenced my resulting opinions) but the flaky and slow Google Wave developer preview exhibits clear and unarguable signs of awesomeness to come – so much so that I’m already annoyed that I have to go back to regular boring-old email after using Wave for only a […]

Heads or Tails or “Other”

I’m no mathemagician, and Keno-Man is certainly indicating we should all be impressed… but I’m just not sure about these odds. Best leave the gambling to the gamblers, I s’pose.

JavaScript game: Corporate BFFs

Holy b-jezus! I found a whole treasure-chest of stuff I did in pre-2006 then let rot in the dank dungeons of my G: drive. Today’s resurrection: Corporate Best Friends Forever: a “memory” type game with a twist. All the cards are face up – you simply have to match the pairs. The twist? There are […]

Pinball on YouTube

Lol! You spawn something new everyday. Quite by chance I came across a youtube video about “Hacking windows pinball” which reminded me of an article I wrote yonks ago called, strangely enough, Hacking Windows Pinball. “I wonder if it’s related?” I wondered. It was. It was just a video of the “hidden test” cheat I […]

Niche Marketing: The Bacon and Egg Roll Project

Ok people of the internet – The last challenge I threw down to you was conquered with relative ease, so here’s a tougher one to ponder – from a local drinking establishment in Sydney’s inner-west:

Turntubelist: Web master cuts faster!

Well well well! You all thought that we was messing with you, didn’t you? You thought that the WebJam 8 win was nothing more than an elaborate hoax designed to bag some awesome prizes, didn’t you? No, friends, it wasn’t (though I’m totally going to do that for the next WebJam) for now the time […]

Revenge of the Font Nerds

The first 15 times I watched Revenge Of The Nerds I was transfixed with the symbolism of the persecuted nerd: Like present-day rednecks, the nerd of 1984 represented one of the few remaining demographics where intolerance and ridicule were not only acceptable, but encouraged. Of course, today’s nerds are revered and adored (though our pompous […]

Making insecure passwords secure

Recently there has been a lot of attention given to the list of the 500 worst passwords. “Worst” meaning “most frequently used” and therefore easy to guess. A better practice, according to microsoft (who we all trust when it comes to security matters), is to create a password that is “a simple and long phrase”. […]

Mr Speaker’s Law of Averageness

Over time, the internet becomes increasingly average: incorrect information cancels out factual information, wisdom cancels out opinion and user-generated-content cancels out content. For a given web search you have a (correct things/(incorrect things + correct things)) x 100 percent chance of finding something correct. Consider Eventually the internet will represent the most average person in […]