Mr Speaker

Yearly Archives: 2011

Making Google+ like Twitter

Google+ is this service that google made that you might have heard about. It’s like Twitter, except instead of 140 characters you can write a novel, or post every lolcat picture you find. Then, everyone’s collected novels and lolcat collections then get collated and displayed into a single, mammoth, animated-gif-filled, crazily formated, document that google […]

The C64 DemoScene

[To coincide with the transcendent Paris DemoJS party, here is a repost of an article I wrote for the Powerhouse Museum as part of their “The 80s are back” exhibition.] It’s 1985, and millions of Commodore 64 computers are connected to millions of television sets around the globe. The sole purpose of these 1-megahertz, 16-color […]

How do you parse input?

Over the years I’ve written hundreds of small scripts and apps for various tasks I need doing. Although these are often quite useful, I rarely release or share them. I’m not some kind of horrible code miser, mind you, it’s just that my scripts are always hacked together in such a way that they work […]

Mr Speakers

I’m not really the type o’ guy to go splashing my (albiet strikingly handsome) visage all over my website/facebook page/photo library so I receive a lot of requests from readers asking “PLEASE MR SPEAKER more pics! more pics!!!”. Well, I’ve got some good news for you guys and gals: Today Google released a new “search […]

Internet Explorer pizza. With extra obsolescence.

Did you know that over 18% of the worlds code was written by programmers fueled by pizza? It would surprise me if you did, because I just made that up. But at any rate, nothing tastes more disgusting than the pizza you have to eat because you’re stuck at work on a Saturday desperately trying […]

_this = this

var _this = this. It always does. I write it oh-so-often to keep my JavaScript scope hanging around – and the idiom no longer makes me cringe. It’s like an old friend. The only problem with my old friend is that Textmate doesn’t have the same feelings towards him as I do. He certainly won’t […]

HOWAMI: a command line tool

It’s good to be reminded that you’re shit. Today Fabrice Bellard released jslinux – a 32 bit CPU emulator which loads a fully-functional linux kernel: including Emacs, and a C compiler. Holy Poopsmith. Seeing as I now had a JavaScript-powered coding environment handy – and being inspired by Fabrice’s unrelenting productivity – I decided code […]

Semantic game making

HTML5 means one thing, and one thing only: games! Okay, that’s not true at all. Not even close, but heck – we are seeing stacks of fantastic games emerge, and the buzz that surrounds even the more mediocre efforts is considerable. So where’s the love in the HTML5 spec for us game makers? When it […]


There’s no room for hacking and learning with Apple. You don’t dare waste their time working on projects… from now on you work on products and products only. If you aren’t incentivizing and monetizing your down-time then you don’t deserve to be using Apple’s next-level code enabler, Xresource4.