Mr Speaker

Yearly Archives: 2011

Colourising sprites in Canvas – part 1

First things first: I promise to try to limit the related posts in the future and I apologize to the legions of l337 coders for the continued coverage. Right, now, on to todays topic: “Colour like that” (Awright, punning on my own blog post titles!). While watching the livestream of Minicraft, I was intrigued by […]

What I learned from watching people watching Notch

Last weekend was the 22nd Ludum Dare 48 hour game comp. Again Notch livestreamed it, again I watched pretty much all of it, and again I learned a lot. But having seen Notch in action before, this time I could afford to take my eyes off the code from time to time, and spend a […]

A Minecraft soundtrack for your daily grind

The problem with the real world is it’s not enough like Minecraft. The fix is simple: pipe haunting and beautiful C418 tracks at various random times throughout the day, in a Minecraft-y fashion. To keep you on your toes, add in some rare-but-scary cave sounds. And that’s exactly what my Grindcraft python script is for. […]

My grandmother was immutable

As I move into my twilight years (mid 30s) I start to have flashbacks surrounding various aspects of my youth. This very morn’, for example, I was whisked back to an endless summer evening circa the mid 80s… The scene is composed of; a large christmas tree, me, my grandmother, and our TV. Connected to […]

CoffeeScript & Less with Play! 2.0

The Play! framework went and made Java development more fun than Ruby development (*ducks*) – and then Martin Odersky went and made Java more fun than Java (*considers ducking, but doesn’t*), and then the Play framework went and mashed those fun things together and now there is the Play! 2.0 framework. Play 2.0 gives a […]

AI Class Playlists

Lil’ reference for anyone doing the Stanford AI class… It’s a collection of playlists for each unit, so you can grab them with something like youtube-dl (I use the command youtube-dl -w -t -f 18 http://playlisturl. I didn’t check what those flags do, but it says “wtf”, and that’s all that matters).

Java on film: the livestream videos

Since having a chat about what I learned from watchin’ live coding, I’ve received buckets of emails ‘n’ tweets asking for links to the videos… After an epic google search of 5 minutes I’ve collected them all and aggregated them in this one happy place. Someone coded Prelude of the Chambered for the Lundum Dare […]

Code like that

“Bit of advice: if you want a role model, pick an old guy. By the time you grow up, they’re dead” – Bob’s Burgers Six hundred games: invented, designed, and coded – in 2 days. That was the Lundum Dare game competition #21, held from the 19th to the 22nd of August. Hoards of game […]