Mr Speaker

Yearly Archives: 2017

Me n’ Carl Sagan hand-rolling some WebGL2

Imagine, if you may, an apple sitting happily on your desk. One day, and in a manner causing much confusion to our apple friend – you wrote some weird WebGL2 thing from scratch. From the apple’s perspective, it might look something like this. However, from a source code’s point of view it would look more […]

Popcorn kernel bread ™

It is, with no doubt, the greatest idea I have ever had: bake bread with a bunch of popcorn kernels in it. This idea… it’s just… it’s by far better than any other idea on this blog. It’s better than my Kentucky Fried Chicken Feen from 2005. It’s better than my BASIC revelation from 2015. […]

ES6 (ES2017+) module support

It’s been a long time coming, and we’re still on shaky ground – but native module support is close. Not “burn your build tools!” close, but “burn your build tools for personal projects!” close… like arrow function syntax in 2013. If you have Firefox Nightly, or Safari Tech Preview (or Edge, I believe!) – you […]

Building geometry with fraggles

My last experiment got out of hand and now the cubes have become self aware. See for yourself! The earlier “lil cube” example worked by creating individual box meshes and adding them to the scene. This is not a very scalable approach if we want a lot of boxes! Creating a single chunk of 16 […]